How to increase event attendee numbers & satisfaction for just £3 a head!

Today we’re finding out how you increase event attendee satisfaction & attendance for just a few dollars / pounds / Euros a head. 

Whenever I wear my TEDxCardiff t-shirt people ask me when the next event is.


But I’m getting ahead of myself. Here’s a few questions to ask yourself.

How much did you spend per head on food and drinks for your last conference? $10? £20? €50

How much did you spend per head on marketing to get people to your seminar? €5? £10? $20??

And how much do people speak about the catering afterwards? How much do people comment on your marketing strategies in the weeks after your event?


Continue reading “How to increase event attendee numbers & satisfaction for just £3 a head!”

T-shirts are more effective than Adwords – And here’s the proof.

Adwords vs Customised T-shirts best adwords alternative
Tipping the scales with customised t-shirts

Are branded t-shirts a justified marketing expense and one of the best best adwords alternative? There’s an endless stream of other things you could spend that money on – Facebook advertising, PPC, print, direct mail, you name it.

Now, I’ve never seen anybody dressed in a Google Adwords campaign, but a well-designed and well thought out company t-shirt can be a devastatingly effective and versatile business tool.

But here’s the big question – are t-shirts just a vanity thing, or are they actually worth investing money in? And are they really a better advertising medium than Facebook or Google?

Continue reading “T-shirts are more effective than Adwords – And here’s the proof.”

The best t-shirts from SXSW – inspiration for 2017!

We’re just starting to get ready for the influx of orders for this year’s beer, music, movies and tech fest that is South By South West in Austin, Texas. SXSW t-shirts are an absolutely vital part of this amazing event, and we don’t recall seeing more than a handful of people wearing much else during our times there!

So, for inspiration, here’s some previous great SXSW t-shirts that have been spotted wandering around the conference centre by day, and 6th Street by night….

SXSW t-shirts

Startup Repp got some brilliant conversations started in 2013 with this provocative number!

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How we got featured on Product Hunt’s front page for 3 days

Product Hunt launches businesses successfully  — scroll to the bottom for our key takeaways!

Hi, I’m Neil, the CEO of Ramp (we’re trying to make the process of buying custom t-shirts for your team quicker, smarter, simpler and more transparent), and we recently spent three days with a significant presence on the front page of one of the greatest platform for promoting services in Technology. I’d like to share with you what happened, and how we’ve benefited. 

Product Hunt launches businesses successfully5

You can read a million and one blog posts about how to “win” on Product Hunt. This isn’t one of those. This is just putting some simple, honest numbers around what happened to us. I can’t be sure whether our success was down to our, ahem, genius or dumb luck. Or a mix of both.

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You’re buying the wrong size t-shirts for your team or event (and it’s costing you money!)

So, you’ve been tasked with organising the t-shirts.

Team t-shirts might be needed for a charity fun run, a team-building away-day, or for a conference. Or you might have come up with a great idea for a cheeky slogan that you think people might buy from you in their thousands, or you might be a band on tour.


Now you have to do the hard part. Firstly, you’ll need to contact printers to get a quote. This can be a time consuming process itself, and I’ll address this in a later post — it’s why we’ve built the fastest, smartest t-shirt ordering website in the world. But one of the main questions you’ll definitely be asked, and often the most difficult to answer is

“So, which sizes do you want”?
Continue reading “You’re buying the wrong size t-shirts for your team or event (and it’s costing you money!)”